health & safety
Our approach to managing health and safety is pragmatic and proportionate and is prioritised according to risk with the objective of maintaining continuous improvement. We accept that we cannot eliminate risk from everything we do but we can manage risk in such a way that exposure to hazards is controlled as far as is reasonably practical.
We recognise that improvement in health and safety will not happen by chance and that planning to manage using a systematic approach through risk assessment is a necessary first step and an ongoing process. In moving forwards we will wherever possible eliminate risk through selection and design of buildings, facilities, equipment and processes. Where risks cannot be eliminated they will be minimised by the use of physical controls or, as a last resort, through systems of work and personal protection.
Our success in managing health and safety will be measurable and we look to establish performance standards against which we can monitor our progress to identify future actions to go into our improvement programme.
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places overall responsibility for health and safety with the employer. At Millfields Primary School this is the Governing Body.
At Millfields Primary School, the Governing Body have duties to ensure:
- The health, safety and welfare of teachers and other education staff
- The health and safety of pupils in-school and on off-site visits
- The health and safety of visitors to school, and volunteers involved in any school activity
The management of Millfields Primary School recognises that it has a legal duty of care towards protecting the health and safety of its employees, pupils and others who may be affected by the school’s activities.
In order to discharge its responsibilities the management of the school will:
- Bring the Health & Safety Policy to the attention of all employees
- Carry out and regularly review risk assessments to identify proportionate and pragmatic solutions to reducing risk
- Communicate and consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety comply fully with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice and regulations at International, National and Local levels
- Eliminate risks to health and safety, where possible, through selection and design of materials, buildings, facilities, equipment and processes
- Encourage staff to identify and report hazards so that we can all contribute towards improving safety
- Ensure that emergency procedures are in place at all locations for dealing with health and safety issues
- Maintain our premises, provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
- Only engage contractors who are able to demonstrate due regard to health & safety matters provide adequate resources to control the health and safety risks arising from our work activities
- Provide adequate training and ensure that all employees are competent to do their tasks
- Provide an organisational structure that defines the responsibilities for health and safety
- Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees
- Regularly monitor performance and revise policies and procedures to pursue a programme of continuous improvement
The Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed at least annually and revised as necessary to reflect changes to the school activities and any changes to legislation. Any changes to the policy will be brought to the attention of all employees.
Health & Safety Leader - Mrs Natasha Bennett
Deputy Health & Safety Leader - Mr Andy Sparrow
Health & Safety Link Governor - Mrs Leigh-Ann Munt