Young carers
Millfields Primary School is committed to develop provision for young carers and their families. We are committed to meeting the needs of young carers so that they can attend and enjoy school in the same way as other pupils and achieve their potential.
Millfields Primary School has an effective referral system and strong partnership in place with relevant external agencies, including referral to Young Carer agencies providing key workers who will work with young carers and families. The school only shares information with professionals and agencies on a need-to-know basis in order to support pupils and their families.
What is a young carer?
A pupil is a young carer if they are aged 18 and under who cares for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support. They could be offering support for just a couple of hours a week.
Many young people don’t see themselves as carers and may not realise there is practical and emotional support available in Essex.
What might a young carer do?
- Care for a family member, because of illness, disability or old age
- Practical tasks, like cooking, housework and shopping
- Physical care, such as helping someone going to the toilet or getting in or out of bed
- Emotional support, including talking to someone who is distressed
- Personal care, such as helping someone dress and helping them with bathing
- Managing the family budget and collecting prescriptions
- Helping to give medicine
- Helping someone communicate
- Looking after brothers and sisters
How can the young carer key worker help?
They offer free personalised support to young carers and their families that will be developed with you around your need for help and the caring you do.
The service offers:
- Confidential one-to-one support with a dedicated key worker in the area you live, including telephone support.
- Information, advice and guidance and assisting you to access other services to support you as a young carer.
- Training opportunities e.g. moving people safely, building confidence and self-esteem, fire safety and access to counselling services if needed.
- Recreational activities to take you away from your caring role and meet other young carers and make new friends.
- Transition to adult carer services as you come up to 18.
Key workers are available across the whole of Essex and are based in our local area. They will visit children at home, school or somewhere else at an agreed time.
How can you access the service?
Families or young carers themselves can self-refer or a referral can be made by professionals. At Millfields Primary School, you will need to speak to Mrs Kathryn Russell, the SENDCo or Rhiannon Macdonald, the Deputy SENDCo. Please email or
If you wish to self-refer, this can be done online form below or by emailing