School Dinners

School dinners are free for children in Reception and Key Stage 1. They cost £2.40 per day for children in Key Stage 2.

Two portions of vegetables are served with every meal. Fresh fruit and a choice of salad from the salad bar are available every day, and we serve oily fish at least twice each month. Menus may be subject to change, depending on fresh supplies available. Menu changes will be notified via BromCom and our Class Dojo. 

Menu key:
VG - Vegetarian
D - Contains dairy
G - Contains gluten

AUTUMN term menu

Week 1 - 02.09.2024, 23.09.2024 & 14.10.2024

Week 2 - 09.09.2024, 30.09.2024 & 21.10.2024

Week 3 - 16.09.2024 & 07.10.2024 

Date of inspection: 17th May 2023

We are a nut free school. This means that children should not bring in any food that contains nuts for snacks or lunch. Products with nuts should also not be brought into school for children’s birthday celebrations, even if the food is wrapped.