
Governors come from all walks of life but share a common interest - Millfields Primary School.

The Governors are responsible for effective strategic management of the school, for the school budget and for Health & Safety. They help to set and monitor the school philosophy and policies, which is accomplished by meeting every half term. Governors do not make day-to-day decision about the running of the school – this is the role of the Headteacher, supported by the staff.

The Governing body is made up of representatives of the staff, parents, Local Authority and the community. All are volunteers who give up their time freely to ensure the school is managed effectively and to the benefit of the children.

Associate members do not have voting rights. All terms of office are 4 years from date of appointment. Appointments to posts of Chair and Vice-Chair are for a two year period.

Mr Dave Roscoe - Chair of governors

Initial Appointment – 31/01/2014
Re-appointment – 04/11/2021
Pecuniary Interest – Chairperson at Alresford Primary School

I have been Chair of Governors at Millfields Primary School since October 2016, having joined the governing body in 2014. I am also Chair at Alresford Primary School, where I have been a governor for 16 years. In business, I have been involved in Sales and Marketing for 35 years and in my spare time, I am a drummer with a number of function/tribute bands.

My original motivation to become a governor was to add back to the local community and this still holds true today.  I am passionate about ensuring children have the best opportunities to instil a life-long love of learning and I am proud to be a member of the wonderful family we call ‘Millfields’. 

mrs katie moore - vice chair of governors

Initial Appointment – 01/04/2019
Pecuniary Interest – None

During 20 years within education and health services, I was able to gain insight into working practices across many settings. This gives me perspective on our school, and has allowed me to fully appreciate the excellent work of the staff and the opportunities afforded to the children at Millfileds. My three children have benefited greatly from their Millfields experiences, and so it is my privilege to be able to give back to the school, supporting them in ensuring that all Millfields children can access positive and effective education.

My own parenting philosophy is based on a belief that empathy, kindness and open-mindedness are key to emotional, social and educational growth. I feel grateful that our school community embodies these values as it supports and nurtures our children’s development.

I have lived in beautiful Wivenhoe since 2005. I am a lino cut printmaker, and can often be found walking by the river with my Lakeland terrier.

mrs Natasha bennett - ex officio governor

Initial Appointment –  01/01/2023
Pecuniary Interest – Headteacher at Millfields Primary School

I joined Millfields as Headteacher in January 2023, having previously been the Headteacher at Two Village Church of England Primary School and Head of School at Rolph Church of England Primary School. In addition to the senior leadership roles that I have held over the last 15 years, due to my musical background, I have also led music in schools since becoming a teacher in 1999.

Having been a SENDCo in previous schools, creating an inclusive environment for every child is important to me and I ensure that my experience in this area informs the work that we do in school. I also believe that it is vital for us to provide our children with exciting and diverse experiences and opportunities throughout their time with us, including the teaching of key skills and values, that develop the whole child and prepare them to thrive in the future world in which they will live.

As Headteacher, I work closely with governors to lead and develop the strategic direction and vision of the school to ensure that the children at Millfields are receiving the best educational experience possible. At meetings, I report to governors and answer questions on various aspects of school life, including pupils’ progress, school improvement and safeguarding. This gives governors an excellent understanding of what is happening in school and enables us to work collaboratively to support our whole school community to reach their full potential and achieve great things.

Outside of school, my passion is singing and I enjoy performing in the vocal quartet ‘Quattro Amici.’ When I am not busy at school or singing, I enjoy spending time with my husband, two daughters and miniature dachshund Mabel.

Ms Julie barton - parent governor

Initial Appointment – 10/03/2022
Pecuniary Interest – None

I work as a teacher in an alternative provision school and have done so since 2013. The main focus of the school is to rehabilitate students with complex mental health needs back into the community, whilst providing them with an educational pathway. I am passionate about my work and recognise the importance of building the core values of self-esteem, resilience and hope into young people.   

I have been familiar with Millfields since 2016, when my first daughter started in Reception. Over the years, I have been in full support of the Millfields philosophy and am grateful that my children have had an opportunity to experience the warm and inviting culture fostered within the school. 

Outside of work, I enjoy writing, being outdoors and appreciating the wonderful scenery that Wivenhoe has to offer.    

Mrs libby britcher - parent governor

Initial Appointment – 30/11/2023
Pecuniary Interest – None

With two young children, one of which who has attended Millfields since 2020, I am passionate to support them, the school and local community in which we live.

Career-wise, I specialise in research and marketing for both the public and private sector and in my spare time love being in my garden, at the coast or travelling with my husband and two sons (ideally in the sunshine!)

Mrs EMILY MILLS - parent governor

Initial Appointment – 30/11/2023
Pecuniary Interest – None

'I have been a primary school teacher for 15 years and currently work as a teacher in the local area. I am passionate about education and children’s wellbeing and I’m keen to support the school in becoming the best it can be, to enable our children to thrive.

Having grown up in Wivenhoe, I have a great understanding of the area and the school’s place in the local community. I have three children, two of whom currently attend Millfields. In my free time, I enjoy days out exploring and spending time with my children.'

Mrs Rhiannon Macdonald - staff governor

Initial Appointment – 08/03/2018
Re-appointment – 10/03/2022
Pecuniary Interest – Class Teacher at Millfields Primary School

As a teacher at Millfields Primary School I have a vested interest in its running.  I was appointed staff governor in March 2018. As a staff governor I can offer a unique insight as my position allows me to see the link between practice and theory.

I believe that effective communication between the school, parents, staff, governors and pupils is essential and that governors play an important part in the school community. With my teaching experience and knowledge of the school I believe I can provide this link and also be the voice of the school staff on the governing body.

Being a governor gives me a greater insight of the whole school and therefore improve my role as a middle leader and my teaching practice. 

Mrs Gail bennett - co-opted governor

Initial Appointment – 20/01/2022
Pecuniary Interest – None

I have lived in Wivenhoe since 1997 and have recently retired after 30 years as a full time teacher/ Senior Leader & SENDCo working in primary schools in the Tendring and Colchester area. I am passionate about the holistic development of children; as nurturers I believe it is our role to help children to reach their full potential in all areas of interest. I enjoy all things outdoors: I am an avid gardener, hill walker and nature lover. I also love sport- all sport, and singing (it is so good for the soul!)

I continue to work part time with children as a Forest School Leader and Thrive Practitioner. As a Governor I look forward to being able to use my skills and experience to support Millfields Primary and its community. 

Mrs leigh-ann munt - co-opted governor

Initial Appointment – 14/11/2013
Re-Appointment – 01/09/2015
Pecuniary Interest – Learning Support Assistant at Millfields

I first became a parent governor in 2013 when my two daughters attended Millfields. I am now a co-opted governor and continue to enjoy being an active member of the governing body.

I currently work in school as an LSA in year 5 and I am lunch/play co-ordinator. Working in school gives me first hand experience of the day to day running and the challenges which the school encounters. I share this information with the governing body in order to continually improve and elevate our provision.

My previous business/accountancy background and my degree in Applied Economics have provided me with a solid understanding of school finance, Human Resources and budget management. I have found this knowledge to be very useful in my governor role.

I am a passionate member of the school community and enjoy getting involved in school events and raising much needed funds as a member of the PTA.

Outside school I enjoy reading, going to the theatre and playing badminton.


Initial Appointment – 20/01/2022
Pecuniary Interest – None

I have worked in education since 2003, in primary and secondary schools in the UK and overseas, my final post being Head of Academic Performance at Colfe’s School, London. I am now an education consultant. I’ve written for the Times Educational Supplement (, as well as speaking on TV and radio about how we can best support children and young people in their learning and development.

A northerner in exile, I’m a keen fan of both codes of rugby. We moved to Wivenhoe in the summer of 2021 and our family of three became a family of four in February 2022. I am keen to work with Millfields and help our pupils, teachers and parents in any way I can. 


Initial Appointment – 09/05/2022
Pecuniary Interest – Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo at Millfields Primary School

I have been a teacher for thirty years and have worked at Millfields Primary School since 2004. I was appointed the school SENDCO in 2005. Prior to my appointment, I regularly attended governor meetings to report on what we were doing to support the inclusion needs of children in school. I find the meetings interesting and extremely important as they ensure the school is functioning well in all areas. As Deputy Head, SENDCO, Deputy Designated Lead for Safeguarding and Designated Mental Health Lead, I am passionate about supporting the mental health and well-being of all children and promote this at all times throughout the school.

I love to promote curiosity and excitement about the world around us, such as finding out about the natural world or finding out about how other people live or lived in different places and time. In my spare time I like to write stories, or read stories and poetry. I also love going for walks with my dog and sitting in my garden.

sue MADELL - clerk to the governing body

I have been involved with schools now for over 10 years: as a parent (ongoing!), as a vice-chair of governors, working in a school office, and as Clerk to governors – the latter for the past 8 years. I have worked with governors in a wide range of schools over that time, both in Essex, Suffolk and London boroughs. I continue to have a passion for children’s education and development.


Darrin Keeble 2014 - 2023 (Partnership Governor)

Other staff in attendance at Governor meetings:
Mrs Anita Sparrow - School Business Manager
Mr Andy Sparrow - Site Manager

Attendance Record 2024 - 2025

Standards meeting: Thursday 26th September 2024
In attendance: Dave Roscoe (Chair), Katie Moore (Vice Chair), Natasha Bennett, Julie Barton, Libby Britcher, Emily Mills, Rhiannon Macdonald, Leigh-Ann Munt, Gail Bennett & Andrew Foster
Also in attendance: Sue Madell (Clerk) & Kathryn Russell (Associate member)
Apologies: None 

Pay Commitee meeting: Thursday 17th October 2024 (Virtual)
In attendance: Dave Roscoe (Chair), Katie Moore (Vice Chair) & Andrew Foster  
Also in attendance: Natasha Bennett 

Resources meeting: Thursday 28th November 2024
In attendance: Dave Roscoe (Chair), Katie Moore (Vice Chair), Natasha Bennett, Libby Britcher, Emily Mills, Rhiannon Macdonald, Leigh-Ann Munt, Gail Bennett & Andrew Foster
Also in attendance: Sue Madell (Clerk), Kathryn Russell (Associate member) & Anita Sparrow (School Business Manager
Apologies: Julie Barton

Standards meeting: Thursday 16th January 2025
In attendance:
Also in attendance:

Admissions meeting:  Thursday 13th February 2025 (Virtual)
In attendance:
Also in attendance: 

Resources meeting: Thursday 6th March 2025
In attendance:
Also in attendance:

Pay Committee meeting:  Monday 14th April 2025 (Virtual)
In attendance:
Also in attendance: 

Standards meeting: Thursday 1st May 2025
In attendance:
Also in attendance:

Resources meeting: Thursday 19th June 2025
In attendance:
Also in attendance:

Attendance Record 2023 - 2024

Standards meeting: Thursday 21st September 2023
In attendance: Dave Roscoe (Chair), Katie Moore (Vice Chair),  Natasha Bennett, Kajal Allen, Julie Barton, Rhiannon Macdonald, Gail Bennett & Andrew Foster
Also in attendance: Sue Madell (Clerk) & Rachel Smith (English Lead)
Apologies: Leigh-Ann Munt 

Pay Commitee meeting: Thursday 19th October 2023
In attendance: Dave Roscoe, Katie Moore & Natasha Bennett
Also in attendance: Sue Madell (Clerk)

Resources meeting: Thursday 30th November 2023
In attendance: Dave Roscoe (Chair), Katie Moore (Vice Chair),  Natasha Bennett, Kajal Allen, Emily Mills, Libby Britcher, Rhiannon Macdonald, Gail Bennett, Leigh-Ann Munt & Andrew Foster
Also in attendance: Sue Madell (Clerk), Kathryn Russell (Associate member), Anita Sparrow (School Business Manager) & Andy Sparrow (Site Manager)
Apologies:  Julie Barton

Standards meeting: Thursday 18th January 2024
In attendance: Dave Roscoe (Chair), Katie Moore (Vice Chair), Natasha Bennett, Julie Barton, Libby Britcher, Emily Mills, Rhiannon Macdonald, Gail Bennett, & Andrew Foster
Also in attendance: Sue Madell (Clerk)
Apologies: Leigh-Ann Munt 

Admissions meeting:  Thursday 15th February 2024
In attendance: Dave Roscoe, Katie Moore & Leigh- Ann Munt
Also in attendance: Sue Madell (Clerk), Anita Sparrow & Natasha Bennett

Resources meeting: Thursday 7th March 2024
In attendance: Dave Roscoe (Chair), Katie Moore (Vice Chair), Natasha Bennett, Julie Barton, Libby Britcher, Emily Mills, Rhiannon Macdonald, Gail Bennett, Leigh-Ann Munt & Andrew Foster
Also in attendance: Sue Madell (Clerk) & Kathryn Russell
Apologies: Anita Sparrow & Andy Sparrow

Standards meeting: Thursday 2nd May 2024
In attendance: Dave Roscoe (Chair), Katie Moore (Vice Chair), Natasha Bennett, Libby Britcher, Emily Mills, Rhiannon Macdonald, Gail Bennett & Andrew Foster
Also in attendance: Sue Madell (Clerk) & Kathryn Russell
Apologies: Julie Barton & Leigh-Ann Munt

Resources meeting: Thursday 27th June 2024
In attendance: Dave Roscoe (Chair), Natasha Bennett, Julie Barton, Libby Britcher, Emily Mills, Rhiannon Macdonald, Leigh-Ann Munt & Andrew Foster
Also in attendance: Sue Madell (Clerk) & Anita Sparrow  
Apologies: Katie Moore (Vice Chair) & Gail Bennett